Daily Divination for November 17th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the seven of cups reversed, the wheel of fortune reversed and the hanged man
Past Present Future

Past: The Seven of Cups Reversed

In the past, you had many desires and the willpower to attain them.

Present: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Now, you find tat outside forces are interfering with your goals.

Future: The Hanged Man

If things continue along this path, you will find your life stagnating and you will be unable to move forward.

Internet, you have always had strong Google-fu, but you’ve recently been hit very hard in the head and your vocabulary has suffered. Without proper medical attention, you will be unable to think up the synonyms you need to find the obscure websites with the rare information you need. Poor you and stuff.

Daily Divination for October 24th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with judgement reversed, the hanged man and the page of cups reversed
Past Present Future

Past: Judgement Reversed

In the past, you managed to slip by and escape punishment for you misdeeds.

Present: The Hanged Man

But, now, your past has caught up to you and you will be made to answer for you actions.

Future: The Page of Cups Reversed

If things continue along this path, people will view you as a deviant and mistrust you.

Internet, you thought you were so clever with your seven proxies and your aliases, but an internet detective have finally tracked you down and you’re going to be made to pay for all your trolling. Your real name is going to be released and no one is going to like you anymore. neener neener

Daily Divination for October 5th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the two of swords, the hanged man and the page of pentacles reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The Two of Swords

In the past your intuition has served as your main strength. You were able to achieve balance and harmony easily.

Present: The Hanged Man

Today, you find yourself at a stalemate, unable to move forward. Your creative force has been used up.

Future: The Page of Pentacles Reversed

If things do not change, you will find yourself in an unending creative slump, which ends in financial ruin.

Internet, you jumped on the tumblr bandwagon before anybody else and created the best “faces on inanimate objects” blog of all time, but you’re running out of things to put faces on and people are losing interest. Your ad revenue is plummeting. You need to come up with a new idea!