Daily Divination for November 17th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the seven of cups reversed, the wheel of fortune reversed and the hanged man
Past Present Future

Past: The Seven of Cups Reversed

In the past, you had many desires and the willpower to attain them.

Present: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Now, you find tat outside forces are interfering with your goals.

Future: The Hanged Man

If things continue along this path, you will find your life stagnating and you will be unable to move forward.

Internet, you have always had strong Google-fu, but you’ve recently been hit very hard in the head and your vocabulary has suffered. Without proper medical attention, you will be unable to think up the synonyms you need to find the obscure websites with the rare information you need. Poor you and stuff.

Daily Divination for November 4th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the wheel of fortune reversed, the three of wands and the eight of cups
Past Present Future

Past: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

In the past, unexpected events cause you to fail at your goals.

Present: The Three of Wands

Now, you’ve learned to plan for he worst case scenario and your business negotiations have been more successful as a result.

Future: The Eight of Cups

Unfortunately, even though you have become better at planning your future plans will en in disappointment.

Internet, you can never know just when a hard drive is going to fail. That’s why it’s a good idea to backup your most important information in more than one spot. Of course, if that information you re backing up was never useful in the first place, then this point is moot.

Daily Divination for October 18th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the wheel of fortune reversed, the ten of pentacles and the page of cups
Past Present Future

Past: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

In the past you have suffered a lot of ill-luck and failures.

Present: The Ten of Pentacles

Now, you find that your luck has changed and you’ve recently achieved a large financial gain.

Future: The Page of Cups

If things continue in this way, you will meet a trustworthy business partner, who will help you achieve your goals.

Internet, you’ve tried coming up with ideas for t-shirt to sell online in the past, but all the phrases you would be hilarious to put on them ended falling flat. Luckily for you, you have recently come up with a t-shirt that was actually funny and it is selling well. In the future, you will meet up with a person who will be better at coming up with ideas, leaving the design aspect to you.

Daily Divination for October 9th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the nine of wands reversed, the page of wands and the wheel of fortune reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The Nine of Wands Reversed

In the past, there have been many obstacles in the way holding you back,

Present: The Page of Wands

Today, you find hat yo have made a trusted and loyal friend that helps you overcome your obstacles.

Future: The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

But, in the future, it looks like you will be unable to overcome your obstacles and you will suffer an ill fate.

Internet, you switched over to Windows Vista in that past and this was a very bad idea. Vista was buggy as all get out. You upgraded to Windows 7 as soon as you could. You’re going to do the same with Windows 8. This will be a bad idea. Windows 8 is going to be buggy as all get out.