Daily Divination for November 14th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the five of wands, the king of pentacles and the moon
Past Present Future

Past: The Five of Wands

In the past, you were unable to get your desires satisfied. There were always obstacles blocking your path.

Present: The King of Pentacles

Now, you’ve made a loyal friend with whom you might want to start a romantic relationship with.

Future: The Moon

If things continue along this path, it will actually turn out that your friend was being deceptive and you will be let heartbroken.

Internet, there were a great many things you would like to be doing on the internet that you can’t because you keep running up against paywalls. No matter, you’ve made yourself an in real life friend, who will keep your mind off of the internet and its many wonders… Actually, no they won’t. They just want to be your friend so that you will let your guard down and give them the opportunity to steal your priceless action figures.

Daily Divination for October 21st, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the king of pentacles, the star and temperance
Past Present Future

Past: The King of Pentacles

In the past you made several wise investments that paid off handsomely.

Present: The Star

Now, you are happy and full of hope for the future.

Future: Temperance

In the future, there will be a call for you to act in moderation and practice time management.

Internet, the LOTRO lifetime membership was a really good idea. The Riders of Rohan expansion was really great and it looks like the development team has lots of good stuff in store for the future. You just have to make sure that you aren’t playing all the time and you make time for friends and family.

Daily Divination for October 11th, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the six of pentacles, the knight of cups reversed and the king of pentacles
Past Present Future

Past: The Six of Pentacles

In the past, you have been very generous and given many gifts.

Present: The Knight of Cups Reversed

Recently, you’ve found out that someone you were generous to was being deceptive about how much they needed your help.

Future: The King of Pentacles

If things continue in this manner, you will become more wise in your financial decisions.

Internet, you’ve given money to tonnes of Kickstarter project, in the past, but the most recent project you have donated to just took the money and ran. From now on, you’re going to do your due diligence before giving your hard-earned cash away.