Daily Divination for October 7th, 2012

Alright, so the world didn’t end today. What are you gonna do? Sue me?

a three card tarot spread with the knight of wands, the queen of wands reversed and the three of swords reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The Knight of Wands

In the past, you went on a long journey to escape your troubles.

Present: The Queen of Wands Reversed

Now, you find yourself in a strange land with people whose way of life you find disgusting.

Future: The Three of Swords Reversed

In things continue in this way, you will find yourself alienated from your fellow man and unable to cope.

Internet, you decided to turn off your computer and go outside, but you found out that the outdoors is filled with active people, like, jogging and stuff. You find it really annoying and you’d go back inside, but you’ve locked yourself out. You’d call a locksmith, but your crippling social anxiety disorder prevents you from using a phone.

Daily Divination for October 1st, 2012

a photo of a three card tarot spread with the two of pentacles, the moon reversed and the three of swords reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The Two of Pentacles

In the past you have been able to have been able to balance multiple project to creative ends.

Present: The Moon Reversed

In the present, though, you find that your imagination is waning and you struggle to come up with new ideas.

Future: The Three of Swords Reversed

If things continue along this path, you will find that you have lost a great deal of face. You find it hard to move on from this loss.

Basically, internet, you’ve made a lot of interesting memes in the past, but you’re starting to stagnate. You need to stop with the “philosorapt0rs” and the “rage faces” and come up with something new, or everyone is going to think that you’re an idiot, internet.