Daily Divination for October 3rd, 2012

a three card tarot spread with the five of cups, the empress and the six of cups
Past Present Future

Past: The Five of Cups

You have experienced a loss in the past that has hurt you greatly. You fail to realize that you haven’t lost everything and you still have some things to feel thankful for.

Present: The Empress

Today, you have been giving into your carnal desires, which, surprisingly, will lead to a birth of new creativity.

Future: The Six of Cups

If this continue on their present course, you will find yourself looking at the past in a pleasant new light and will be able to move forward peacefully.

Internet, your hard drive may have fail, but you still have your thumb drives. You ate a bunch of Jos. Louis and the sugar high gave you a good idea for a new meme. You’ll remember your lost memes fondly, but you’ll realize that using them over and over again was holding you back. It is time to move on, Internet.

Daily Divination for October 2nd, 2012

a three card taro spread with the king of cups reversed, the three of wands and the four of swords reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The King of Cups Reversed

In the past, diplomacy has failed. You’ve been forced to go against your nurturing nature and act in a destructive manner to meet your goals.

Present: The Three of Wands

Today, you’re looking forward to a journey that may lead to financial gain and an escape from your past woes.

Future: The Four of Swords Reversed

If things continue along this path, you obtain the financial gain that you seek, but you will be haunted by the methods that you used to obtain it.

Basically, Internet, you’ve been trolling your opponents to drive them out crazy and make them quit the internets. You’ve recently moved your blog to a new domain that people will like more, but you will feel ashamed at all the other blogs and people you had to destroy to be successful.

Daily Divination for October 1st, 2012

a photo of a three card tarot spread with the two of pentacles, the moon reversed and the three of swords reversed
Past Present Future

Past: The Two of Pentacles

In the past you have been able to have been able to balance multiple project to creative ends.

Present: The Moon Reversed

In the present, though, you find that your imagination is waning and you struggle to come up with new ideas.

Future: The Three of Swords Reversed

If things continue along this path, you will find that you have lost a great deal of face. You find it hard to move on from this loss.

Basically, internet, you’ve made a lot of interesting memes in the past, but you’re starting to stagnate. You need to stop with the “philosorapt0rs” and the “rage faces” and come up with something new, or everyone is going to think that you’re an idiot, internet.